Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I Am So Sick of the Instagram Generation! GoPro!

  You’ve all seen it. Every single time you log onto your Facebook, scroll through your Twitter feed, or see what’s happening on Instagram. It’s laughing right in our faces! Listen, you all know me. You know I love reaching out on these social media sites, but when it comes to posting pictures, I’m a BIT of a stickler for quality. No idea where it came from… maybe it was my parents always getting me the top-of-the-line Polaroids when I grew up, but for whatever reason, I take photography seriously. 

It hit me at the CES convention (amazing time, by the way!!) when I laid eyes on a gorgeous new GoPro. Now, I’m not going to sit here and tell you the ins and outs of photography because A. I don’t know them all and B. I’m well aware that I am not an authority figure in that field. However, it makes my blood BOIL when people take pictures with whatever stock equipment their smart phone comes with, tinker with it on Instagram for 12 seconds, and then post it as ART! Taking a picture of a mountain and adding the black and white filter is not art; stop saying it is!


So no, I’m not some professional photographer, and I’m not trying to pass myself off as one. But if I’m going to take the time and energy to snap a picture I’m proud of, I’m doing it with my GoPro, not my phone. Have some pride in your work, people! I swear, from here on out, I’m sending every single person I see bragging about an “artsy” cat picture on Facebook a direct link to the GoPro!!!

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